Showing posts with label Independent Business Lawyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independent Business Lawyer. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2017


Hi Folks, without us being aware, with the Blessings of ALLAH the Creator of this World that we lived in, we are being permitted  to be still alive and can enter the New Year 2017. We really have to be thankful to our Creator ALLAH  that we are allowed to be still alive, which for sure must have some real significant reasons why ALLAH is still permitting us to be still alive in this Beautiful and wonderful world that we lived in. 
  • By being permitted to practice  in the professional life carrier as an Independent Business Lawyer (Self-Employed) by ALLAH, for more than 18 Years, since 1st of June 1998, which formerly was allowed by ALLAH  to experienced blended combinations as Company Man - In-house Legal Counsel for more than 17 Years, in the Law Firm of Adnan Buyung Nasution & Associates (Nasution Lubis Hadiptranto) 5 Years, Vico Indonesia (Huffco Indonesia) 5 Years, PT Freeport Indonesia Company 5 Years,  accumulative,   the Writer of this BLOG,  must  always continuously keeping reminding  himself, to always allocate part of  his  daily 24 Hours time to read the Holy Al Quran, at least  1(one) ayat, a day Insya ALLAH, so that Insya ALLAH with the permit of ALLAH, we are guided by the Creator ALLAH to be on the Right Straight Path as been shown by the Prophets, during their period, as recited in many Surah of the Holy Book Al Quran  
  • Yes as a Moslem believer (meaning surrender and worshiping only to ALLAH, the Only One Creator of this Live), we must force ourselves to seek Enlightenment from  the Creator of this Universe, by reading the Holy Book, particularly as a Independent Business Lawyer, where we are dealing with different of interpretation in implementing the Agreements involving Business Aspects between the parties involved in such Contractual Business Transactions 
    We have to always remember to put faith in our Heart (Qolbu), by filling our Qolbu with the Holy Words of ALLAH recited in the Holy Al Quran, which    was sent down by ALLAH  to ALLAH's Messengers called the Prophets or Rasul of ALLAH continuously; 
  • Praised be to ALLAH that, the Writer of this Blog  was permitted by ALLAH to practice his profession  as a Business Lawyer for more than 35 Years since the year around 1979, and the Writer of this Blog, keeps on focusing in practicing his Professional Carrier as an Independent Business Lawyer. With the Blessings of ALLAH, he is permitted to practice his Professional, by serving Clients in the Business Circles related to Natural Resources, which includes Copper, Oil, Gas, Mining Minerals, Iron, Gold, Coal, Iron, Limestone, Bentonite,  and recently assisting Client involved in the Drilling of Production Wells of Geothermal and Injection Wells.    
  • His motto in running his Professional Carrier,  is striving to develop  in Believing and  maintaining faith to ALLAH as the Creator of this World. You can imagine the Temperature Heat Decree being tapped and captured in  the Geothermal Production Wells can reach 270 Degree, which can boost turbine to generate electricity.  The potential magma from the earth can boiled the water which was sent down to the earth by the Creator of this World from the sky through the mechanism being vaporized by the Sun of the Sea Water and collected as Clouds, and poured down  to the earth, and  become hot steam  to be used for energy in many ways. 
  • If you are practicing as a Professional, are you practicing it in accordance with the guidance and enlightenment from the Holy Books ?   Do we practiced our Professional by suffering or disadvantaging or making loss to others ?   Those are some of the tough Questions that we have to answer to the Creator  of this live and the Creator of us human beings.  Of course for sure this "faith" issue is the element of "Faith" or we called it "Iman" in the Holy Book of Al Quran, where with the permit of ALLAH, if we seek the Truth Guidance from ALLAH, based on Allah's words we can be guided by ALLAH to build and develop our Faith in believing ALLAH as the Creator of this World  where we lived in until when the times comes to an end to each of us.       
 Jakarta, 16 th January 2017
Agung Supomo Suleiman
Independent Business Lawyers  

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Well Folks,  it has been over more than 18 Years since 1st June 1998, when Indonesia was hit by the Economic Crisis, that the Writer of this Blog as an Independent Business Lawyer had jumped - up from the "Certainty World" to the "Uncertain World", being self-employed which is really challenging and exiting,  because during his  18 Years Life Journey as a Self-Employed - Independent Business Lawyer  using Brand Name AgsS Law - or sometimes SACO Law the abbreviation of  Suleiman Agung & Co,   you are not sure what will happen to you in the life journey ahead of your professional carrier,  from year to year life journey.
At one time you are busy and buried  with your work load, but at another point of time,  you may be  wandering as to whether there will be another Business Project which requires your professional Legal Services relating to the Legal Aspects surrounding such Business.

 At one time the Writer of this Blog  as an Independent Business Lawyer by the permit, blessing and merciful of ALLAH,  had been appointed as one of the member of a Survey Team to conduct research and for collecting the necessary  construction business information in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to explore Doing Construction Business work in that part of the Middle East Countries. The main significant purpose of the research was among others  gathering all the necessary data and business information on Doing Construction Business in United Arab Emirates. The research was done for around 14 Days, where as the result of such Research, we managed to gather significant Information and resulted making the Booklet called Doing Construction Business in United Arab Emirates.The work was solely done to enable the Indonesian Construction to pursue business in UAE.
During the time the research was conducted, the Active Construction Crane in the World was 25% (Twenty Five Percent) occurring in that Part of the World, which for sure would attract all Constructions Companies to get  part of the Construction Project in UAE. We also gathered information that 1 (one) Ton out of the 8 (eight) Ton of Gold Worldwide being sold in the Market Place was happening in Dubai during that period of time. Amazing isn't. We had met the Abu Dabhi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the UAE Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Labour and Social Affair, The Department of Economic Development of Dubai as well as privates institutions of investors, consultants including several reputable companies such as Isthitmar, United Eastern Group, Bloke Stone Investment Consultants Co LLC-Abu Dabhi, Bin Laden, MCM and other investors and consultants and architect including the Indonesian Engineers and Architecs who are working in the multi national Company in Dubai. We really gather significant information and data from all those Officials and Investors, which enable the Survey Team to assist the Indonesian Government particularly The Ministry of Public Works to produce the relevant booklet to be used as an  initial guidance by the Indonesian Construction Companies to conduct their business in UAE.          
That was part of the experience that the Writer was involved in getting the significant data relating to the Construction Business in United Arab Emirates, where the writer was being one of the Editor of such Booklet to be used by Indonesian Companies such as Construction Companies, Architect who are interesting to explore doing construction business ventures in that Part of the World, where the Indonesian Government had really  encouraged the Indonesian construction to enter the market with diligent and good preparation to enable them to venture and pursue construction business opportunities abroad particularly in UAE. The understanding of the political, economic, social, legal and cultures systems and related significant business practices are of important step for those Indonesian Companies who are interested to penetrate their business construction abroad.
Well, the above Life experience, which  the Writer was engaged and involved,  really contributed in expanding and developing  our mind to be more active in our efforts to contribute to the development and growth of the Business Players in this  Country to be able to participate locally and internationally. In ending this writing, the Writer wanted to dedicate this Writing to one of the Survey Team member who had passed away, namely Pak Wahyu Prapto Yuwono, which in the above photo was on the very left side, where we all pray to ALLAH the Al Mighty,   asking  that his  contribution and dedication as member of the Survey Team in enabling the Booklet Doing Business In United Arab Emirates, will be accepted and regarded by ALLAH as his good deeds to the Construction Business Society in Indonesia as well as in UAE, Aamiin YRA

Jakarta, 10 September 2016
Agung Supomo Suleiman     

Saturday, March 05, 2016


The "Real Exiting Challenging Experience"  of the Writer of this Blog  practicing as an Independent Business Lawyer Self-Employed for more than 17 Years  and nearly reaching 18 Years since 1 June 1998,  is that  you are really freedom to choose the place to perform your work it could be in your home or in the cafe or any other places and free to elect  the time  to perform your Legal Service for your Client.
  • Please don't get me wrong the freedom of being an Independent Business Lawyer or Freelance Lawyer is not that you are lazy to work hard, but it is more of a matter of  how to "Work Professionaly Smart" as an Independent Business Lawyer who is responsible to render the most best effort high quality of services to your Client. 
There are many types of manner in seeking to be a smart worker, There are individuals who likes to be free and independent and choose not to be like a "Robot" being forced and programmed  to always be in the office from 8.00 until 17.00,  but without actually doing anything having value added to the Company that you work with nor increase  your professional talent and just pretending to appear as if you are busy to satisfy your so called " Boss"....and sometimes you feel  there are plenty of hours that are waisted and could  be more optimized to gain value added to the quality of life. Well frankly speaking the Writer's professional Journey had been  a combination of Experiencing as (i) Employed personal as Lawyer in a Law Firm and In House Legal Counsel in Companies for 15 Years and (ii) Self -Employed practicing and Venturing his own Experimental Life in pursing as Independent Business Lawyer for more than 17 Years since June 1st, 1998.    

He   started  his career as a Self-Employed Professional Independent Business Lawyer,  when  he   reached the age of 46 Years old  reaching 47  where  based on his past work experiences, he felt strongly that he has  to be Free and Independent and Self-Employed to enable challenging  his further career professional path in pursuing his obsession to be a  Professional Independent Business Lawyer. 

When he entered the Faculty of Law at the University of Indonesia he was actually planning  to be a Diplomat,   where he took the International Law as his speciallity thesis; However for one and other reason he was initially trapped becoming a Legal Consultant/ Lawyer, when he was preparing and finalizing his thesis. The lovely thing being in this profession is that back in his  mind  he had this "wild idea"  that at one day he  can be freedom in practicing his  Law Profession by daring to "jump out of the Box" or "Comfort Zone" in order to follow his  real passion which is to become a real Professional Independent Business Lawyer.        
So the "real object issue"  which the Writer wanted to Focus and highlight in this article  is not the type of Professional that he chooses, but more to the "Freedom Chances" being  Independent Accountibility Professional Independent Business Lawyer, where you must be really Independent and not trapped with the Characteristic of  the Corporation that you are dealing with. 
  • In principal  the Writer of this Blog feels and is very much inspired and influenced by the teaching and reminder under the Holy Book of Al Quran, which was actually confirming (the relevations) which came before it (Taurat which was send down by ALLAH to the previous Prophet Moses and Injil which was send down by ALLAH to Prophet Isa (the son of Maryam) and corrections to the wrong interpretation made by the followers of the said above  previous Prophets upon the Holy Books to emphasize that Monotheisme Concept of Worshiping the One and Only Creator of this Whole Universe - including who creates  the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, and the World we live in,  and  making the rain falling from the Clouds which showered the Dry Land so that all the Plants, animals, which are created and dedicated for  human being,  can live,  which are the real signs of the Greatness and Mercifulness of ALLAH the Creator of this World as referred under the Holy Books including the Holy Al Quran.   
The sharing of the contents of this Holy Book  must be conducted through wise Enlightment to all the believers of ALLAH, the Holy Books, The Hereafter,  so that our Life Journey at the end of the day could be Blessed and Guided by ALLAH the Most Merciful, so that we can make this World a better Place to live in under the Blessing of ALLAH as taught by all  Prophets which were sent by ALLAH to this World; 

  • In light with such set of mind and believes in our Heart without any Doubt,  we have to  build and continously maintain and guard  this "Faith" firmly, to enable us with the Permit and Help of ALLAH,  to get, reach  and gain the "Light"   which are needed  by whatever our profession  are,  to unable to see and reach the End of the Tunnel of our Life Journey, whereby each of us  will be really  taking our own Responsibility  to the Creator  in the Day of the Hereafter, in the Day Of Judgemnent,   for which each of us  consequently must be able  to  obtain  and get  the "Right and Proper" answer upon the Hard Questions which will be raised by ALLAH as the Creator in the Hereafter, as shown in the Wordings of ALLAH in the Holy Books,  among others :
  • How was our Asset being accumulated ? Were or was it gathered in the Rightious Manner in accordance with the Honesty and fairness and fairplay principle and spirits as guided under the Holy Books ?   Did we obtained it by stealing from other Individual or party's  right ? or by Falsifying the data unfairly ? 
    Are we  making Good Deeds in this World  or are we only following bluntly and blindly to our Client's request,  in running their Business Operations for pursuing profits to capitilize their  Wealth -  without taking any consideration upon the Moral,  Ethics, reminder, fairness, and teachings  to  not becoming "Too Much Greedy"  by taking in force of other  people's Natural Resources which was created and granted by ALLAH the Creator in their Mining and Mineral Resources Location,    like Faraoh during the Egyptian Empire which was reminded by Moses over and over again not to be cruel, unjustice and unfair to the Bani Israil Tribes? Thus in this real life there must be a real and solid implemention in bringing  Down to Earth upon the teachings and the moral, ethics  under the Holy Books in the real work in our temporary life in the Earth;
    For instance in the real world  you may frequently find  Signifcant Gaps between the Real Cash -In  in terms of Company's fasilities for the the Management Level and the Employees Level, which therefore Labour Union is needed to narrow such Gaps; We can also frequently  observe  strikes made  by the Labour Union against the Company, in the mass media, if the Employees feels that they are  being treated unfairly  in terms of their salaries and benefits;

    In the Management level there are also  struggle to be choosen as member of the Management team where Corporation Politics frequently are also  being felt when you worked as an employee in a Corporation; There may also be differences of expectation between the shareholders of the Corporation; These all arises due to the real facts that in every human being there are "animals instincts animals spirits" which has to be tammed not to be too greedy in achieving their needs and goals. As an In House Legal Counsel  you have to manage yourself not to be too one sided bluntly to the Management as well as to the employees which are being presented by the Labour Union. For sure the  Directors are being hired and fired by the Shareholders General Meeting.  Below the Directors are the CEOs From President of the Corporation the Senior VPs, VPs to Managers.        
    If  the Corporation is a Mining Company for instance than based  on the Contract Of Work -  or  IUP licences issued by the Government who are representing the People of Indonesia as the owner of the Minerals  based on Article 33 (3) of the Indonesian Constitutional Law,  you have to viewed it from several angles.  
    From the Mining Corporation prespective they of course wants to achieve Return of their Investments and for sure gain Profits immediately from such Mining Operations. But on the other hand from the Government's side, their goal is to Optimize the Government-take  from the Cash - in Flow  from such Mining Operations to increase the  Social Welfare  of the 250 million people of Indonesia, where the State Budget in a running  year depends on the Cash - in flow from the Mining Operations, if Commerciality occurs and Explotation and Production commences; But we have to remember that the Economic Value of the Minerals if it is not explored and exploited by the Mining Investors,and left below the Ground the Value   remains " Zero". Thus we as Independent Business Lawyer have to face the fact and reality  in balancing these perspectives. 

    • The Government and the House of Representantive in establishing the rules has also  to view the prespective that all the Minerals are actually formed and exist based on a Universal system and mechanism under the process of creation which was designed and created by ALLAH as the Only Creator of this Universe including the World we live which is one of the several  Planets which is rotating and circulating the Sun in its orbit where there is also (1) one Moon that rotates around Our 1(one) World  which is referred under Surat Yasin Verses 37 - 38 -39 - 40 of the Holy Quran.  
    Accordingly, based on the Writer's real experiences for 30 Years,  there must be a "certain distance" that you have to maintain in order to  enable you to be "Freedom Independent Professional Business Lawyer"  for making this Temporary World to be a Better World as being Wished by ALLAH the Creator when ALLAH sent Down Adam and Eve from Heaven; Thus The Real Boss that we have to really "worship" is ALLAH the Creator of this Temporary World, because we have to be Fully Aware that life in this World is "Just a Test" - for us - to be challenged which of us are really in Faith :

  • (i) Following the Wishes of the Creator by Firstly - Worshipping the Real and Only One Mighty ALLAH as the Creator of this Universe, and  than must be intergratedly  
    (ii) followed by the reflection and implementation in doing the real Good Deeds - Down To Earth - as shown in the Teachings and Reminders under the Holy Book  during the periode of life-time of each of us Who are being trusted and choosen by ALLAH to make this Temporary World a Better Place to leave in by fencing ourselves with the Teachings of "What Must be Done" and "What Must Not be Done" by us as being taughted by us in the  Holy Books which was sent down to us through the Messengers  of ALLAH. 
    Jakarta, 5 March 2016 revised 26 March 2016
             Agung Supomo Suleiman

Thursday, October 29, 2015


As a self-employed Independent Business Lawyer, the Writer of this Blog  have experienced  more than 17 Years since 1 of June 1998  by choosing  his professional carrier  practicing as an  Independent Business Lawyer with Non Conventional Flexy Time and Flexy Place  by  providing  Professional  Legal Services to Business CLIENTS who are operating in  Indonesia.
  • After experiencing working as Legal Consultant for 5 Years in a reputable Law Firm in Indonesia during  his  early legal practices  including 5 Years as In House Legal Counsel in several Foreign Companies operation in Indonesia i.e. Vico Indonesia (Huffco Indonesia) - producing Oil and Gas ( LNG),  2 Years as Partner in a Law Office and  5 Years  as In House Legal Counsel in PT Freeport Indonesia - Cooper and Gold Mining, the Writer of this Blog ends up  choosing a more Chalengging and Exciting Venture to become a Self Employed Non Conventional Independent Business Lawyer with Flexy Time and Flexy Place due to  his  obsession to become  an Independent Business Professional Lawyer, starting from 1st of June 1998; By electing this type of venturing he can fully focus  providing  Legal Services to Clients who requires Business Legal Services to cope with their Legal Aspects in running and operating their Business in Indonesia.
As a person who tends and prefer to choose to develop a more Quality  in Life, rather than just working like a machine  or robot from 9 Morning to 5 Afternoon, in a cubical Room, the Writer of this Blog has performed  his life experience to be more meaningful and Independent when he reached the age of 46 becoming 47 Years old which was back in 1 June 1998, when Indonesia was hit by the First Financial Economic Crisis. This  manner in  running his carrier as professional, was emerged  by just "following his heart" to be more Independent and professional  to enable  maximising his professional Independent Business Lawyer. 
  • For sure it is not easy,  for which  the Writer of this Blog experienced the ups and downs in terms of Cash Flow, as well as exploring the  excitement of  a  life journey by learning from  the hard way to be self-employed  and quit from the Conventional Organization to enable exploring his inner wants and needs as a human being who chooses to have a more meaningful quality of life as a professional Independent  Business Lawyer. As you may notice Independent Business Lawyer are also being practiced by Independent Business Lawyer outside of Indonesia as you can see in this Website: Association of Independent Business Lawyer.
The benefit and advantage for Clients are that they will receive Professional Legal Servives from a  Qualified Experienced Independent Business Lawyer who had extensive experienced assisting Clients for their Legal Aspects in running their Business in Indonesia, in a proper and efficient manner,  with a more fair Legal Fee within their Budget.
  • Well,  having said the above,  at the present moment it is already the month of October 2015, where  the Writer of  this Blog, with the permit and help of ALLAH has managed to survive for more than  17 Years since 1 June 1998,  being an Independent Business Lawyer and is really enjoying his life particularly  upon  his elected  choosen venture to gain a more better Quality of Life. Nobody is perfect in this life, but daring to choose  a more independent  manner in running our life journey to gain  more  "meaningful Quality of Life  is quite an exciting life experience which was ventured by the Writer of this Blog.
Jakarta, 29th - 30th October 2015
Agung S.Suleiman
Independent Business Lawyer                        

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Building Your Brand Image

In business it appears that one of the significant element to market yourself is establishing and building your Brand Image. This is what we frequently are told by the marketers. Well, in order to establish such brand image, you certainly have to elect and choose some specific brand element which could or may link you to your  products that you are selling. What are the products that you are selling ?  What are the specific element of the product or services that you are selling ?
Is there any specific nature or brand that you may want your customers or your potential customers wants to remember about your products or services ? 

Those above items may be some of the key words that you have to explore within your product or services that you are selling. In reality there is no magic or instant result which you may find. You have to work hard and be consistent with what you are desiring to sell to feed your self and your family. 

I myself had been nearly 12 Years since June 1998 on my own selling the legal services to my Clienteles.  It is not that easy  to establish the brand image of the services that you are selling. Especially if you are on your own and not associated  or link to a well known links, you have to really strive hard to continue to survive in selling your legal services. There are times that you are wandering why are you not linked or associated with an already well known firm so that you can easily jack up your name in the Business Community in Indonesia.

  • Well, I really do not know the right answer or reason. It might be that you are not at the right time and the right moment. However, since I have been already nearly 12 Years being Independent as a Free Business Lawyer, I have really learn a lot how to survive during this 12 Years time of my independent Life. There is no such school of being Independent on your own but to really jump on the board and be independent, since each person or individual may have their own reasoning why he or she had elected the kind of life that he likes or desires. One of the independent experimental moves that I have experienced is by establishing this blog of mine, where I can independently write whatever life experience that you have followed and exercised during your life time in this world.             


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Independent Business Lawyer

Click Here!

You never can tell what kind of  business legal works will you be doing if you are on your own. If you are working as in-house Lawyer your legal work can be detected and be predicted which shall be within the surroundings of the business field of company that you are working. But if  you are Business Lawyer  on your own you cannot predict and expect what kind of  business legal works that you are doing.

You will be experiencing several Independent Business Legal Works which may range from preparing  MOU or Letter of Intent, or conducting Legal Due Diligence or drafting a complex agreements such  as Shareholders Loan Agreement, and other related business legal transactions.  It could be just  a meeting with your prospective Clients, which will tell you stories about their current business ventures and experiences including their stories and venture of  still trying to seek business ventures. The Prospective Clients who will contact you or who you contact may also be unpredictable.

They can be your former Clients who had experienced the Legal Services that you have once rendered. It may be Clients that you have contacted and asked whether they needed  any Legal Assistance in their business. There are even times that you do not have any legal services to do. The cash in  of your Firm  depends on the Legal Fess for the Legal Services  you are providing, which  may also unpredictable. 

Accordingly, if  you are on your own as an Independent Business Lawyer you may also have an uncertain cash flow,  where the cash-in really depends upon the condition of the Load work in your Legal Law  Firm. The size of your Legal Firm may also be different with the size of the other Law Firms. This really depends upon when you started establishing your Legal Law Firm . The  motivation, background  and circumstances of the Founder or Partner of such Law Firm may differ from one to the other shall influence such Firm.

For myself  as a Business Lawyer, the reason and background was because I wanted to be  more independent and have freedom in  shaping and  establishing my life style. Since my specialty happens to be shaped as a business Lawyer either as In-House lawyer and Legal Consultant or Partner in a Law Firm, the Vehicle that I have in mind, to accommodate my need back to  1st June 1998  was  establishing such "independent Vehicle" which is establishing and running an Independent Business Law Firm.

Accordingly, if I elect the life style more of an independent type, I had elected to use an Independent  Business Law Firm as a Vehicle to accommodate my independence. Besides  being  a Partner and Founder of the Law Firm of Suleiman Agung & Co for more than 11  1/2 Years since 1st  June 1998 , when I left being as In-House Legal Counsel of PT Freeport Indonesia Company (one of the biggest Copper Mining Company who operates in Irian Jaya Indonesia), I also enjoyed writing  about my life experiences related to my profession as a Business Lawyer  and also experiences about travel, spiritual and experimental movements.

I had also recently joined  Squidoo and Hubpages community,  who like to write  and  hopefully can also gain  some earnings from such Blogs which are being  linked  with Google Adsense, Ebay, Amazon and other affiliates and advertisement,  where we elect to be Publisher.


Revised 27th November 2009

Agung Supomo Suleiman        

Tsunami DeDolarization - Bricks - Asean Plus 3 Countries

We noticed from the Media Platform on the Internet that :  1. FAILURE OF SVB - SCHOCKED GLOBAL FINANCIAL MARKET  In March 2023, the failure ...